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How to Create Read More / Read More in Blogger and Wordpress

How to Create Read More / Read More in Blogger and Wordpress - A whole post is too long which takes place on the main page sometimes makes visitors feel impatient. Though they wanted to see a list of other post below. Visitors do not want to know about this, though perhaps in the sidebar of the page there is a navigation space for a list of posts, categories, etc. that could take visitors to the title of the post or other topics. However, not all visitors can observe these features. This makes many of our other posts unreadable. If read, it's just that being on the main page only. And chances are visitors will soon run after reading one (or at least some) of our posts on the main page.

So to solve this problem, they invented the readmore link will take visitors to a page after they read the whole post a few lines below the post title.
Currently making readmore / read next is easy, either on blogger or wordpress

Make readmore blogger (original default features of Blogger, without a hack)
In the new post page / new post, there are several writing control panel such as fonts, font size, alignment, font color, background color, and others-others, one of which again is a 'jump break'. This is the panel that serves as a barrier to your post on the main page and it will bring up readmore. Precisely the location of the panel in the column that contains the 'Link', and so on. 'Jump Break' is in the position of the rightmost column of the panel, the visual appearance is as shown in light blue paper and divided into two. Click on the picture and the long flat box will appear grayed out. You can slide it in such a way to be put on the line you want

Make readmore WordPress
On page writing / writing, there is a column on writing a post, on the right there are two menu tabs, the 'visual' and html '. Choose the html tab. Then click the "more" that is located in the top right corner in the row of panels html editor. Then will appear <! - More -> in your post box. Put the text you want displayed on the main page above the mark, and the rest is put underneath.

You can manually insert the code <! - More -> it's own in the post you wish to cut. Do this through the HTML editor in the post menu.

Note for Blogger / Blogspot:
To make Auto readmore automatically without having to make any time post, see: How to Make / Install Auto Readmore on Blogger / Blogspot (With Thumbnails).

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